Kitehawk hawk icon Farm

About Kitehawk Farm

Kitehawk Farm is an award winning, certified organic producer and handler of olives, extra virgin olive oil, and other produce near Atascadero, California. We grow, press, bottle, and sell organic extra virgin Arbequina olive oil on our online store.

olive trees

Charles Schryver bought the property more than 40 years ago.  Denise Schryver has long been active in the Central Coast artist community. We started farming from a love of nature, gardening, and caring about our environment.  We began decades ago by supplying fresh basil and other herbs to local restaurants and flowers to dried flower designers.  Eventually we wanted more trees, and after tasting Arbequina olive oil, decided that olive trees would be our next venture. 

The Arbequina trees are mulched with organic material, watered by drip irrigation, and weeded by hand.  These trees have responded to this care in an amazing way, giving us our first harvest while they were just two years old.  Their growth has been rapid and substantial with abundant flowers, promise of great harvests. 

We hope you enjoy our oil as much as we do.  It's great on just about everything or by itself.

wheelbarrow of olives olive branch landscape